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arXiv:0904.2032 [astro-ph.CO]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources

Galaxy Assembly and SMBH/AGN-growth from Cosmic Dawn to the End of Reionization

Rolf A. Jansen, Rogier Windhorst, James Rhoads, Sangeeta Malhotra, Daniel Stern, Robert O'Connell, Paul Scowen, Matthew Beasley

Published 2009-04-13Version 1

[abridged] We propose a tiered, UV--near-IR, cosmological broad- and medium-band imaging and grism survey that covers ~10 deg^2 in two epochs to m_AB=28, ~3 deg^2 in seven epochs to m_AB=28, and ~1 deg^2 in 20 epochs to m_AB=30 mag. Such a survey is an essential complement to JWST surveys (<~0.1 deg^2 to m_AB<~31 mag at lambda>1100nm and z>~8). We aim to: (1) understand in how galaxies formed from perturbations in the primordial density field by studying faint Ly\alpha-emitting and Lyman-break galaxies at 5.5<~z<~8 and trace the metal-enrichment of the IGM; (2) measure the evolution of the faint end of the galaxy luminosity function (LF) from z~8 to z~0 by mapping the ramp-up of PopII star formation, (dwarf) galaxy formation and assembly, and hence, the objects that likely completed the H-reionization at z~6; (3) directly study the lambda<91.2nm escape fractions of galaxies and weak AGN from z~4.0--2.5, when the He reionization finished; (4) measure the mass- and environment-dependent galaxy assembly process from z~5 to z~0, combining accurate (sigma_z/(1+z) <~ 0.02) photo-z's with spatially resolved stellar populations and kpc-scale structure for >~5x10^6 galaxies; (5) trace the strongly epoch-dependent galaxy merger rate and constrain how Dark Energy affected galaxy assembly and the growth of SMBHs; (6) study >~10^5 weak AGN/feeding SMBHs in the faint-end of the QSO LF, over 10 deg^2 and measure how the growth of SMBHs kept pace with galaxy assembly and spheroid growth, and how this process was shaped by various feedback processes over cosmic times since z~8. The proposed study is not feasible with current instrumentation but argues for a wide-field (>~250 arcmin^2), high-resolution (<~0.02--0.11 [300--1700 nm]), UV--near-IR imaging facility on a 4m-class space observatory.

Comments: 8 pages, LaTeX2e requires 'fancyheadings_b.sty' (included), 4 postscript figures. Science White Paper submitted to the Astro2010 Decadal Survey. Compiled high-resolution PDF versions are available from either: or:
Categories: astro-ph.CO
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