arXiv:0711.1049 [hep-ph]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources
Non-unitary leptonic mixing and CP-violation
Published 2007-11-07Version 1
Some theories of new physics accounting for neutrino masses can give rise to a low-energy non-unitary leptonic mixing matrix. It is shown that the CP-asymmetries in the $\nu_\mu\to \nu_\tau$ channel are an excellent probe of such new physics. In adition, we clarify the relationship betweeen our framework and the so called "non-standard neutrino interactions" scenarios: the sensitivities explored here apply as well to such constructions, except for extremely fine-tuned cancellations.
Comments: 3 pages, 2 eps figures, based on talk given at NuFact07, Okayama, Japan, 6-11 August 2007; prepared using LaTeX package for publication in the AIP Conference Proceedings
Journal: AIPConf.Proc.981:219-221,2008
DOI: 10.1063/1.2898939
Categories: hep-ph
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