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arXiv:0710.5503 [astro-ph]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources

High-ionization mid-infrared lines as black hole mass and bolometric luminosity indicators in active galactic nuclei

K. M. Dasyra, L. C. Ho, L. Armus, P. Ogle, G. Helou, B. M. Peterson, D. Lutz, H. Netzer, E. Sturm

Published 2007-10-29, updated 2008-01-10Version 2

We present relations of the black hole mass and the optical luminosity with the velocity dispersion and the luminosity of the [Ne V] and the [O IV] high-ionization lines in the mid-infrared (MIR) for 28 reverberation-mapped active galactic nuclei. We used high-resolution Spitzer Infrared Spectrograph and Infrared Space Observatory Short Wavelength Spectrometer data to fit the profiles of these MIR emission lines that originate from the narrow-line region of the nucleus. We find that the lines are often resolved and that the velocity dispersion of [Ne V] and [O IV] follows a relation similar to that between the black hole mass and the bulge stellar velocity dispersion found for local galaxies. The luminosity of the [Ne V] and the [O IV] lines in these sources is correlated with that of the optical 5100A continuum and with the black hole mass. Our results provide a means to derive black hole properties in various types of active galactic nuclei, including highly obscured systems.

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