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Central Masses and Broad-Line Region Sizes of Active Galactic Nuclei: I. Comparing the Photoionization and Reverberation Techniques

A. Wandel, B. M. Peterson, M. A. Malkan

Published 1999-05-18Version 1

The masses and emission-line region sizes of Active Galactic Nuclei (AGNs) can be measured by ``reverberation-mapping'' (measuring the lag of the emission-line luminosity after changes in the continuum). We use tis technique to calibrate similar size and mass estimates made by photoionization models of the AGN line-emitting regions. We compile a sample of 19 AGNs with reliable reverberation and spectroscopy data, twice the number available previously. The data provide strong evidence that the BLR size and the emission-line width measure directly the central mass. Two methods are used to estimate the distance of the broad emission-line region (BLR) from the ionizing source: the photoionization method (available for many AGNs but has large intrinsic uncertainties), and the reverberation method (gives very reliable distances, but available for only a few objects). The distance estimate is combined with the velocity dispersion, derived from the broad Hb line profile, to estimate the virial mass. Comparing the central masses calculated with the reverberation method to those calculated using a photoionization model, we find a highly significant, nearly linear correlation. This provides a calibration of the photoionization method on the objects with presently available reverberation data, which should enable mass estimates for all AGNs with measured Hb line width. Comparing the BLR sizes given by the two methods also enables us to estimate the ionizing EUV luminosity which is directly unobservable. We find it to be typically ten times the visible (monochromatic luminosity at 5100A). The inferred Eddington ratio of the individual objects in our sample are 0.001-0.03 (visible luminosity) and 0.01-0.3 (ionizing luminosity).

Comments: 27 pages Latex, 8 figures. Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal
Journal: Astrophys.J.526:579,1999
Categories: astro-ph
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