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arXiv:0704.3608 [cond-mat.mes-hall]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources

Quantized Transport in Graphene p-n Junctions in Magnetic Field

D. A. Abanin, L. S. Levitov

Published 2007-04-26, updated 2007-06-30Version 4

Recent experimental work on locally gated graphene layers resulting in p-n junctions have revealed quantum Hall effect in their transport behavior. We explain the observed conductance quantization which is fractional in the bipolar regime and integer in the unipolar regime in terms of quantum Hall edge modes propagating along and across the p-n interface. In the bipolar regime the electron and hole modes can mix at the p-n boundary, leading to current partition and quantized shot noise plateaus similar to those of conductance, while in the unipolar regime transport is noiseless. These quantum Hall phenomena reflect the massless Dirac character of charge carriers in graphene, with particle-hole interplay manifest in mode mixing and noise in the bipolar regime.

Comments: 4 pages, 3 figures, available online at:
Journal: Science 317, 641 (2007), originally published in Science Express on 28 June 2007
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