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Characterization of Bernstein modes in quantum dots

Manuel Valin-Rodriguez, Antonio Puente, Llorens Serra, Vidar Gudmundsson, Andrei Manolescu

Published 2002-05-16Version 1

The dipole modes of non-parabolic quantum dots are studied by means of their current and density patterns as well as with their local absorption distribution. The anticrossing of the so-called Bernstein modes originates from the coupling with electron-hole excitations of the two Landau bands which are occupied at the corresponding magnetic fields. Non-quadratic terms in the potential cause an energy separation between bulk and edge current modes in the anticrossing region. On a local scale the fragmented peaks absorb energy in complementary spatial regions which evolve with the magnetic field.

Comments: 6 pages; embedded figs. 1-3; figs. 4, 5 separate files; accepted in EPJ-B
Journal: Eur. Phys. J. B 28, 111 (2002)
Categories: cond-mat.mes-hall
Subjects: 73.21.-b, 73.20.Mf
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