Open Access Research
We provide a list of some online resources whose content at least of the majority can be open accessed.
- arXiv: an eprint archive for physics, mathematics, computer science, quantitative biology, quantitative finance and statistics
- bioRxiv: a preprint server for biology, operated by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
- CiteSeerX: a search engine on the literature in computer and information science
- RePEc: research papers in economics collected by hundreds of volunteers
Digital Libraries
- DLMF: NIST Digital Library of Mathematical Functions
- DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals
- Project Euclid: mathematics and statistics online
Academic Publishers
- BioMed Central: peer-reviewed open access research in biology and medicine
- Chemistry Central: peer-reviewed open access research in chemistry
- Hindawi: a publisher with more than 400 peer-reviewed open access journals
- PLOS: a nonprofit publisher and advocate of open access research
- SpringerOpen: Springer’s portfolio of peer-reviewed open access journals and books
Slides & Videos
- Cambridge SMS: videos and audios at the University of Cambridge
- IAS Video Lectures: lectures and workshops at the Institute for Advanced Study
- KITP Online: slides and audio-visuals of talks at KITP of UCSB
- PIRSA: Perimeter Institute Recorded Seminar Archive
- GitXiv: collaborative open computer science
- MathOverflow: a question and answer site for professional mathematicians
- nLab: a wiki-lab for collaborative work on mathematics, physics and philosophy
- Polymath: massively collaborative mathematical projects
- Scholarpedia: the peer-reviewed open-access encyclopedia
- ScienceOpen: a research network to share and evaluate scientific information