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Two-mode squeezed states in high energy physics

M. Asakawa, T. Csorgo

Published 1997-08-03, updated 1997-08-18Version 2

We discuss the possibility to observe hadron modification in hot and dense matter via the correlation of identical particles. We find that a modification of hadronic masses in medium leads to two-mode squeezing which signals itself in a back-to-back correlations of hadrons. This effect leads to a signal of a shift of $\phi$-meson mass.

Comments: LaTeX, 5 pages, 1 figure, uses sprocl.sty . Substantially revised version, eq. (9) and Fig. 1 corrected. Talk given by T. Csorgo at the Strong and Electroweak Matter'97 Conference, Eger, Hungary, May 21-25, 1997. (World Scientific, Singapore, ed. F. Csikor et al, to appear)
Journal: Proc. SEWM'97 (WSCI 1998 ed. F. Csikor et al) p 332
Categories: quant-ph, hep-ph, nucl-th
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