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Statistics dependence of the entanglement entropy

M. Cramer, J. Eisert, M. B. Plenio

Published 2006-11-28, updated 2007-07-04Version 4

The entanglement entropy of a distinguished region of a quantum many-body system reflects the entanglement present in its pure ground state. In this work, we establish scaling laws for this entanglement for critical quasi-free fermionic and bosonic lattice systems, without resorting to numerical means. We consider the geometrical setting of D-dimensional half-spaces which allows us to exploit a connection to the one-dimensional case. Intriguingly, we find a difference in the scaling properties depending on whether the system is bosonic - where an area-law is first proven to hold - or fermionic, extending previous findings for cubic regions. For bosonic systems with nearest neighbor interaction we prove the conjectured area-law by computing the logarithmic negativity analytically. We identify a length scale associated with entanglement, different from the correlation length. For fermions we determine the logarithmic correction to the area-law, which depends on the topology of the Fermi surface. We find that Lifshitz quantum phase transitions are accompanied with a non-analyticity in the prefactor of the leading order term.

Comments: 4 pages, 1 figure (essentially identical with published version)
Journal: Phys.Rev.Lett.98:220603,2007
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