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Linear entropy as an entanglement measure in two-fermion systems

Fabrizio Buscemi, Paolo Bordone, Andrea Bertoni

Published 2006-11-22, updated 2007-03-02Version 2

We describe an efficient theoretical criterion, suitable for indistinguishable particles to quantify the quantum correlations of any pure two-fermion state, based on the Slater rank concept. It represents the natural generalization of the linear entropy used to treat quantum entanglement in systems of non-identical particles. Such a criterion is here applied to an electron-electron scattering in a two-dimensional system in order to perform a quantitative evaluation of the entanglement dynamics for various spin configurations and to compare the linear entropy with alternative approaches. Our numerical results show the dependence of the entanglement evolution upon the initial state of the system and its spin components. The differences with previous analyses accomplished by using the von Neumann entropy are discussed. The evaluation of the entanglement dynamics in terms of the linear entropy results to be much less demanding from the computational point of view, not requiring the diagonalization of the density matrix.

Comments: 16 pages. Added references in section 1 Corrected typos
Journal: Phys. Rev. A 75, 032301 (2007)
Categories: quant-ph
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