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Multi-level, multi-party singlets as ground states and their role in entanglement distribution

Christopher Hadley, Sougato Bose

Published 2006-02-16, updated 2008-05-23Version 6

We show that a singlet of many multi-level quantum systems arises naturally as the ground state of a physically-motivated Hamiltonian. The Hamiltonian simply exchanges the states of nearest-neighbours in some network of qudits (d-level systems); the results are independent of the strength of the couplings or the network's topology. We show that local measurements on some of these qudits project the unmeasured qudits onto a smaller singlet, regardless of the choice of measurement basis at each measurement. It follows that the entanglement is highly persistent, and that through local measurements, a large amount of entanglement may be established between spatially-separated parties for subsequent use in distributed quantum computation.

Comments: Corrected method for physical preparation
Journal: Phys. Rev. A 77, 050308(R) (2008)
Categories: quant-ph
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