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Cloning and Joint Measurements of Incompatible Components of Spin

Thomas Brougham, Erika Andersson, Stephen M. Barnett

Published 2006-01-16Version 1

A joint measurement of two observables is a {\it simultaneous} measurement of both quantities upon the {\it same} quantum system. When two quantum-mechanical observables do not commute, then a joint measurement of these observables cannot be accomplished by projective measurements alone. In this paper we shall discuss the use of quantum cloning to perform a joint measurement of two components of spin associated with a qubit system. We introduce a cloning scheme which is optimal with respect to this task. This cloning scheme may be thought to work by cloning two components of spin onto its outputs. We compare the proposed cloning machine to existing cloners.

Comments: 7 pages, 2 figures, submitted to PRA
Categories: quant-ph
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