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One-dimensional scattering problem, self-adjoint extensions, renormalizations and point $δ$-interactions for Coulomb potential

V. S. Mineev

Published 2003-05-04Version 1

In the paper the one-dimensional one-center scattering problem with the initial potential $\alpha |x|^{-1}$ on the whole axis is treated and reduced to the search for allowable self-adjoint extensions. Using the laws of conservation as necessary conditions in the singular point alongside with account of the analytical structure of fundamental solutions, it allows us to receive exact expressions for the wave functions (i.e. for the boundary conditions), scattering coefficients and the singular corrections to the potential, as well as the corresponding bound state spectrum. It turns out that the point $\delta$-shaped correction to the potential should be present without fail at any choice of the allowable self-adjoint extension, moreover a form of these corrections corresponds to the form of renormalization terms obtained in quantum electrodynamics. Thus, the proposed method shows the unequivocal connection among the boundary conditions, scattering coefficients and $\delta$-shaped additions to the potential. Taken as a whole, the method demonstrates the opportunities which arise at the analysis of the self-adjoint extensions of the appropriate Hamilton operator. And as it concerns the renormalization theory, the method can be treated as a generalization of the Bogoliubov, Parasiuk and Hepp method of renormalizations.

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