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Optimal teleportation with a mixed state of two qubits

F. Verstraete, H. Verschelde

Published 2003-03-03Version 1

We consider a single copy of a mixed state of two qubits and derive the optimal trace-preserving local operations assisted by classical communication (LOCC) such as to maximize the fidelity of teleportation that can be achieved with this state. These optimal local operations turn out to be implementable by one-way communication, and always yields a teleportation fidelity larger than 2/3 if the original state is entangled. This maximal achievable fidelity is an entanglement measure and turns out to quantify the minimal amount of mixing required to destroy the entanglement in a quantum state.

Comments: 5 pages, expanded version of part II of quant-ph/0203073(v2)
Journal: Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 097901 (2003)
Categories: quant-ph
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