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Triplet Superconductors from the Viewpoint of Basic Elements for Quantum Computers

Armen M. Gulian, Kent S. Wood

Published 2002-07-17Version 1

We discuss possibilities of utilizing superconductors with Cooper condensates in triplet pairing states (where the spin of condensate pairs is S=1) for practical realization of quantum computers. Superconductors with triplet pairing condensates have features that are unique and cannot be found in the usual (singlet pairing, S=0) superconductors. The symmetry of the order parameter in some triplet superconductors (e.g., ruthenates) corresponds to doubly-degenerate chiral states. These states can serve as qubit base states for quantum computing.

Comments: 4 pages, 5 figures, will be presented at ASC-2002 and submitted to IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond
Categories: quant-ph
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