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Information extraction and quantum state distortions in continuous variable quantum teleportation

Holger F. Hofmann, Toshiki Ide, Takayoshi Kobayashi, Akira Furusawa

Published 2001-10-22Version 1

We analyze the loss of fidelity in continuous variable teleportation due to non-maximal entanglement. It is shown that the quantum state distortions correspond to the measurement back-action of a field amplitude measurement. Results for coherent states and for photon number states are presented.

Comments: 4 pages Latex, contribution to the proceedings of the ISQM'01 conference held August 27th to 30th in Tokyo
Journal: Proceedings of the 7th international symposium on Foundations of Quantum Mechanics in the Light of New Technology, edited by Y.A. Ono and K. Fujikawa, World Scientific 2002
Categories: quant-ph
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