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Hyperon-nucleon interactions in the $p p \to K^+ Λp$ reaction

N. G. Kelkar, B. K. Jain

Published 1999-09-16, updated 2000-08-21Version 2

We present calculations of the invariant mass spectra of the $\Lambda$p system for the exclusive $p p \to K^+ \Lambda p$ reaction with the aim of studying the final state interaction between the $\Lambda$-hyperon and the proton. The reaction is described within a meson exchange framework and the final state $\Lambda p$ interaction is incorporated through an off-shell t-matrix for the $\Lambda p \to \Lambda p$ scattering, constructed using the available hyperon-nucleon (YN) potentials. The cross sections are found to be sensitive to the type of YN potential used especially at the $\Lambda$ and $\Sigma$ production thresholds. Hence, data on this exclusive reaction, which can be used to constrain the YN potentials are desirable.

Comments: 20 pages, Latex, 6 figures, revised manuscript (to appear in IJMP-E)
Journal: Int.J.Mod.Phys. E9 (2000) 431
Categories: nucl-th, nucl-ex
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