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On Making Predictions With Effective Field Theories In Nuclear Physics

Tae-Sun Park, Kuniharu Kubodera, Dong-Pil Min, Mannque Rho

Published 1999-04-19Version 1

Based on the effective field theory previously formulated by us to accurately postdict all low-energy two-nucleon properties as well as predict certain electroweak transitions in heavy nuclei, we make parameter-free predictions for the polarized np capture process \vec{n}+\vec{p} --> d +\gamma presently being measured at the Institut Laue-Langevin in Grenoble. Other participants of this meeting are invited to make their own predictions using their preferred approaches and join the bet for the best prediction to confront the forthcoming experiment.

Comments: 19 pages, sprocl.sty needed. Talk given by MR at the Workshop on "Nuclear Physics with Effective Field Theories," Institute for Nuclear Theory, University of Washington, February 25-26, 1999, to appear in World Scientific
Categories: nucl-th, hep-ph, nucl-ex
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