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Extended Thomas-Fermi approximation to the one-body density matrix

V. B. Soubbotin, X. Vinas

Published 1999-02-17Version 1

The one-body density matrix is derived within the Extended Thomas-Fermi approximation. This has been done starting from the Wigner-Kirkwood distribution function for a non-local single-particle potential. The links between this new approach to the density matrix with former ones available in the literature are widely discussed. The semiclassical Hartree-Fock energy at Extended Thomas-Fermi level is also obtained in the case of a non-local one-body Hamiltonian. Numerical applications are performed using the Gogny and Brink-Boeker effective interactions. The semiclassical binding energies and root mean square radii are compared with the fully quantal ones and with those obtained using the Strutinsky averaged method.

Comments: 27 pages, LateX, and 2 PostScript figures, (submitted to Nucl. Phys. A)
Journal: Nucl.Phys. A665 (2000) 291-317
Categories: nucl-th
Subjects: 21.60.Jz, 21.90.+f
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