Elastic Scattering of Pions From the Three-nucleon System
Published 1998-10-14, updated 1998-10-15Version 2
We examine the scattering of charged pions from the trinucleon system at a pion energy of 180 MeV. The motivation for this study is the structure seen in the experimental angular distribution of back-angle scattering for pi+ 3He and pi- 3H but for neither pi- 3He nor pi+ 3H. We consider the addition of a double spin flip term to an optical model treatment and find that, though the contribution of this term is non-negligible at large angles for pi+ 3He and pi- 3H, it does not reproduce the structure seen in the experiment.
Comments: 15 pages + 5 figures
Journal: Phys.Rev. C59 (1999) 1290-1297
Categories: nucl-th
Keywords: three-nucleon system, elastic scattering, double spin flip term, experimental angular distribution, large angles
Tags: journal article
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