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The $Ξ^- +d\to n+Λ+Λ$ reaction as a probe of the $ΛΛ$ interaction

I. R. Afnan

Published 1997-12-01Version 1

Within the framework of the Faddeev equations we demonstrate that a $\Lambda\Lambda-\Xi N$ interaction that gives a $\Lambda\Lambda$ scattering length comparable to the $nn$ scattering length, and the binding energy of $^{\ 6}_{\Lambda\Lambda}$He as an $\alpha\Lambda\Lambda-\alpha\Xi N$ system, produces a final state interaction peak in the neutron spectrum for the reaction $\Xi^- d \to n\Lambda\Lambda$. This suggests that this reaction could be used to constrain the $\Lambda\Lambda$ scattering length.

Comments: 10 pages, 9 figures, Invited talk given at the International Conference on Hypernuclear and Strange Particle Physics (HYP97) October 13-18, 1997, Brookhave National Laboratory, U.S.A.. to be published in Nuclear Physics A
Journal: Nucl.Phys. A639 (1998) 55c-64c
Categories: nucl-th
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