The Equation of State of Nuclear Matter in Heavy Ion Collisions at CERN-SPS Energies from the Viewpoint of Relativistic Hydrodynamics
B. R. Schlei, D. Strottman, N. Xu
Published 1997-11-21Version 1
We present refits of single inclusive cross section data of mesons and baryons for central 158 $AGeV$ Pb+Pb collisions measured by the NA44 and NA49 Collaborations. In the theoretical approach we use the relativistic hydrodynamical code HYLANDER-C. We investigate several equations of state in their capability to describe the measured single inclusive momentum distributions. Based on the obtained fits we present results of the calculated Bose-Einstein correlation functions of identical pion pairs and discuss their features in comparison to measurements.
Comments: Contributed Poster to the ``Thirteenth International Conference on Ultra-Relativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions: Quark Matter 97'', Tsukuba, Japan, December 01-05, 1997. For a PostScript file of the manuscript, you can also goto
Categories: nucl-th
Keywords: heavy ion collisions, relativistic hydrodynamics, cern-sps energies, nuclear matter, single inclusive momentum distributions
Tags: conference paper
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