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P-Wave Polarization of the $ρ$-Meson and the Dilepton Spectrum in Dense Matter

Bengt Friman, H. J. Pirner

Published 1997-01-08Version 1

We study the $p$-wave polarization operator of the $\rho$-meson due to $\rho N$ interactions via the $N^*$ (1720) and $\Delta (1905)$ resonances and compute the corresponding production rate for $e^+e^-$-pairs at finite temperature and baryon density. At high baryon density we find a significant shift of the spectrum to lower invariant masses.

Comments: 22 pages, 8 Postscript figures, uses article.sty, epsf.sty, epsfig.sty
Journal: Nucl.Phys. A617 (1997) 496-509
Categories: nucl-th, hep-ph
Subjects: 25.75.+r
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