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Kaon Zero-Point Fluctuations in Neutron Star Matter

Paul J. Ellis, Vesteinn Thorsson

Published 1996-11-13Version 2

We investigate the contribution of zero-point motion, arising from fluctuations in kaon modes, to the ground state properties of neutron star matter containing a Bose condensate of kaons. The zero-point energy is derived via the thermodynamic partition function, by integrating out fluctuations for an arbitrary value of the condensate field. It is shown that the vacuum counterterms of the chiral Lagrangian ensure the cancellation of divergences dependent on $\mu$, the charge chemical potential, which may be regarded as an external vector potential. The total grand potential, consisting of the tree-level potential, the zero-point contribution, and the counterterm potential, is extremized to yield a locally charge neutral, beta-equilibrated and minimum energy ground state. In some regions of parameter space we encounter the well-known problem of a complex effective potential. Where the potential is real and solutions can be obtained, the contributions from fluctuations are found to be small in comparison with tree-level contributions.

Comments: 40 pages RevTeX, 3 epsf figures
Journal: Phys.Rev. D55 (1997) 5177-5192
Categories: nucl-th, astro-ph, hep-ph
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