Pion-Production in Heavy-Ion Collisions at SIS energies
S. Teis, W. Cassing, M. Effenberger, A. Hombach, U. Mosel, Gy. Wolf
Published 1996-09-03Version 1
We investigate the production of pions in heavy-ion collisions in the energy range of $1$ - $2$ GeV/A. The dynamics of the nucleus-nucleus collisions is described by a set of coupled transport equations of the Boltzmann-Uehling-Uhlenbeck type for baryons and mesons. Besides the $N(938)$ and the $\Delta(1232)$ we also take into account nucleon resonances up to masses of $1.9 GeV/c^2$ as well as $\pi$-, $\eta$- and $\rho$-mesons. We study in detail the influence of the higher baryonic resonances and the $2\pi$-production channels ($NN\to NN \pi\pi$) on the pion spectra in comparison to $\pi^-$ data from $Ar + KCl$ collisions at $1.8$ GeV/A and $\pi^0$-data for $Au+Au$ at 1.0 GeV/A. We, furthermore, present a detailed comparison of differential pion angular distributions with the BEVALAC data for Ar + KCl at 1.8 GeV/A. The general agreement obtained indicates that the overall reactions dynamics is well described by our novel transport approach.