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Quark Degrees of Freedom in Finite Nuclei

Kazuo Tsushima, Koichi Saito, Anthony W. Thomas

Published 1996-08-29Version 1

Properties of finite nuclei are investigated based on relativistic Hartree equations which have been derived from a relativistic quark model of the structure of bound nucleons. Nucleons are assumed to interact through the (self-consistent) exchange of scalar ($\sigma$) and vector ($\omega$ and $\rho$) mesons at the quark level. The coupling constants and the mass of the $\sigma$-meson are determined from the properties of symmetric nuclear matter and the rms charge radius in $^{40}$Ca. Calculated properties of static, closed-shell nuclei, as well as symmetric nuclear matter are compared with experimental data and with the results of Quantum Hadrodynamics (QHD).

Comments: 4 pages, 3 postscript figures are included, uses world scientific style (style format is included). To appear in the proceedings of The International Symposium on Non-Nucleonic Degrees of Freedom Detected in Nucelus, Osaka, Japan, Sept. 2-5, 1996. Postscript file is also available at or
Categories: nucl-th, hep-ph
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