Strangeness Production via Parton Cascade
Bin Zhang, Miklos Gyulassy, Yang Pang
Published 1996-08-23Version 1
We study pre-equilibrium strangeness production at RHIC energies in a new parton cascade. Starting with the turbulent glue HIJING initial conditions we investigate the interplay between mini-jet and soft beam jet gluons for strangeness production prior to hadronization, and show the importance of soft beam jet gluons in the strangeness production.
Comments: 8 pages, 5 figures, LaTex with art10.sty, epsf.sty and hip-100a.sty. Talk presented at Strangeness'96, Budapest, Hungary, May 15-17, 1996
Journal: Heavy Ion Phys. 4 (1996) 361-368
Categories: nucl-th
Keywords: parton cascade, soft beam jet gluons, turbulent glue hijing initial conditions, study pre-equilibrium strangeness production, strangeness production prior
Tags: journal article
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