The Pauli principle in a three-body cluster model and the momentum distributions after fragmentation of 6He and 11Li
E. Garrido, D. V. Fedorov, A. S. Jensen
Published 1996-08-15Version 1
We investigate two simple prescriptions to account for the Pauli principle in a three-body cluster model employing a new method based on an adiabatic hyperspherical expansion to solve the Faddeev equations in coordinate space. The resulting wave functions are computed and compared. They are furthermore tested on halo nuclei by calculations of momentum distributions and invariant mass spectra arising after fragmentation of fast $^6$He and $^{11}$Li in collisions with light targets. The prescriptions are very accurate and the available measured quantities are remarkably well reproduced when final state interactions are included.
Comments: 18 pages, LaTex file, 15 postscript figures included using epsf.sty
Journal: Nucl.Phys. A617 (1997) 153-175
Categories: nucl-th
Keywords: three-body cluster model, momentum distributions, pauli principle, fragmentation, invariant mass spectra
Tags: journal article
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