Pions in the nuclear medium
Published 1996-07-26Version 1
We discuss various aspects of pion physics in the nuclear medium. We first study s-wave pion-nucleus interaction in connection with chiral symmetry restoration and quark condensate in the nuclear medium. We then adress the question of p-wave pion-nucleus interaction and collective pionic modes in nuclei and draw the consequences for in medium $\pi\pi$ correlations especially in the scalar-isoscalar channel. We finally discuss the modification of the rho meson mass spectrum at finite density and/or temperature in connection with relativistic heavy ion collisions.
Comments: 13 pages, latex, 8 figures eps (talk given at the Workshop, MESON'96, Cracow, Poland, 14 May 96)
Journal: Acta Phys.Polon.B27:3203-3220,1996
Categories: nucl-th
Keywords: nuclear medium, first study s-wave pion-nucleus interaction, rho meson mass spectrum, relativistic heavy ion collisions, chiral symmetry restoration
Tags: journal article
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