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A nonlinear approach to NN interactions using self-interacting meson fields

L. Jaede, H. V. von Geramb

Published 1996-04-02, updated 1997-01-13Version 2

Motivated by the success of models based on chiral symmetry in NN interactions we investigate self-interacting scalar, pseudoscalar and vector meson fields and their impact for NN forces. We parametrize the corresponding nonlinear field equations and get analytic wavelike solutions. A probability amplitude for the propagation of particle states is calculated and applied in the framework of a boson-exchange NN potential. Using a proper normalization of the meson fields makes all self-scattering amplitudes finite. The same normalization is able to substitute for the phenomenological form factors used in conventional boson exchange potentials and thus yields an phenomenological understanding of this part of the NN interaction. We find an empirical scaling law which relates the meson self-interaction couplings to the pion mass and self-interaction coupling constant. Our model yields np phase shifts comparable to the Bonn B potential results and deuteron properties, in excellent agreement with experimental data.

Comments: Reviewed version, 25 pages REVTeX, more info at
Journal: Phys.Rev.C55:57-66,1997
Categories: nucl-th, hep-ph
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