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The $p p \to p pπ^0$ Reaction near Threshold: A Chiral Power Counting Approach

T. D. Cohen, J. L. Friar, G. A. Miller, U. van Kolck

Published 1995-12-28, updated 1996-07-16Version 2

We use power-counting arguments as an organizing principle to apply chiral perturbation theory, including an explicit $\Delta$, to the $p p \rightarrow p p \pi^0$ reaction near threshold. There are two lowest-order leading mechanisms expected to contribute to the amplitude with similar magnitudes: an impulse term, and a $\Delta$-excitation mechanism. We examine formally sub-leading but potentially large mechanisms, including pion-rescattering and short-ranged contributions. We show that the pion-rescattering contribution is enhanced by off-shell effects and has a sign opposite to that of a recent estimate based on a PCAC pion interpolating field. Our result is that the impulse term interferes destructively with the pion rescattering and $\Delta$-excitation terms. In addition, we have modeled the short-ranged interaction using $\sigma$ and $\omega$ exchange mechanisms. A recoil correction to the impulse approximation is small. The total amplitude obtained including all of these processes is found to yield cross sections substantially smaller than the measured ones.

Comments: 39 pages, latex, 16 figures, omega pair exchange added, published version
Journal: Phys.Rev.C53:2661-2673,1996
Categories: nucl-th
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