Muons and emissivities of neutrinos in neutron star cores
O. Elgaroy, L. Engvik, E. Osnes, F. V. De Blasio, M. Hjorth-Jensen, G. Lazzari
Published 1995-10-23Version 1
In this work we consider the role of muons in various URCA processes relevant for neutrino emissions in the core region of neutron stars. The calculations are done for $\beta$--stable nuclear matter with and without muons. We find muons to appear at densities $\rho = 0.15$ fm$^{-3}$, slightly around the saturation density for nuclear matter $\rho_0 =0.16$ fm$^{-3}$. The direct URCA processes for nucleons are forbidden for densities below $\rho = 0.5$ fm$^{-3}$, however the modified URCA processes with muons $(n+N\rightarrow p+N +\mu +\overline{\nu}_{\mu}, p+N+\mu \rightarrow n+N+\nu_{\mu}$), where $N$ is a nucleon, result in neutrino emissivities comparable to those from $(n+N\rightarrow p+N +e +\overline{\nu}_e, p+N+e \rightarrow n+N+\nu_e$). This opens up for further possibilities to explain the rapid cooling of neutrons stars. Superconducting protons reduce however these emissivities at densities below $0.4$ fm$^{-3}$.