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Final state interactions and $NN$ correlations: are the latter observable?

A. Bianconi, S. Jeschonnek, N. N. Nikolaev, J. Speth, B. G. Zakharov

Published 1995-07-25Version 1

Are effects of short range correlations in the ground state of the target nucleus (initial state correlations ISC) observable in experiments on quasielastic $A(e,e'p)$ scattering at large missing momentum $p_{m}$? Will the missing momentum spectrum observed at CEBAF be overwhelmed by final state interactions (FSI) of the struck proton? The recent advances in the theory of FSI and findings of complex interplay and strong quantum-mechanical interference of FSI and ISC contributions to scattering at $p_{m}\gsim 1$\,fm$^{-1}$ are reviewed. We conclude that for $p_m \gsim 1$ \, fm$^{-1}$ quasielastic scattering is dominated by FSI effects and the sensitivity to details of the nuclear ground state is lost.

Comments: Invited Talk given by N.N.Nikolaev at the Conference on Perspectives in Nuclear Physics at Intermediate Energies (Trieste, Italy, May 1995) 18 pages, uuencoded including all figures
Categories: nucl-th
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