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Many-body effects in 16O(e,e'p)

M. Radici, S. Boffi, Steven C. Pieper, V. R. Pandharipande

Published 1994-08-15Version 1

Effects of nucleon-nucleon correlations on exclusive $(e,e'p)$ reactions on closed-shell nuclei leading to single-hole states are studied using $^{16}O(e,e'p)^{15}N$ ($6.32$ MeV, $3/2^-$) as an example. The quasi-hole wave function, calculated from the overlap of translationally invariant many-body variational wave functions containing realistic spatial, spin and isospin correlations, seems to describe the initial state of the struck proton accurately inside the nucleus, however it is too large at the surface. The effect of short-range correlations on the final state is found to be largely cancelled by the increase in the transparency for the struck proton. It is estimated that the values of the spectroscopic factors obtained with the DWIA may increase by a few percent due to correlation effects in the final state.

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