On the ground--state energy of finite Fermi systems
Jérôme Roccia, Patricio Leboeuf
Published 2007-03-02, updated 2007-09-04Version 2
We study the ground--state shell correction energy of a fermionic gas in a mean--field approximation. Considering the particular case of 3D harmonic trapping potentials, we show the rich variety of different behaviors (erratic, regular, supershells) that appear when the number--theoretic properties of the frequency ratios are varied. For self--bound systems, where the shape of the trapping potential is determined by energy minimization, we obtain accurate analytic formulas for the deformation and the shell correction energy as a function of the particle number $N$. Special attention is devoted to the average of the shell correction energy. We explain why in self--bound systems it is a decreasing (and negative) function of $N$.