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Analytic descriptions for transitional nuclei near the critical point

M. A. Caprio, F. Iachello

Published 2006-10-07, updated 2007-07-02Version 2

Exact solutions of the Bohr Hamiltonian with a five-dimensional square well potential, in isolation or coupled to a fermion by the five-dimensional spin-orbit interaction, are considered as examples of a new class of dynamical symmetry or Bose-Fermi dynamical symmetry. The solutions provide baselines for experimental studies of even-even [E(5)] and odd-mass [E(5|4)] nuclei near the critical point of the spherical to deformed gamma-unstable phase transition.

Comments: LaTeX (elsart), 53 pages; typographical correction to (3.15)
Journal: Nucl.Phys.A781:26-66,2007
Categories: nucl-th
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