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Kaon-Deuteron Scattering at Low Energies

A. Sibirtsev, J. Haidenbauer, S. Krewald, Ulf-G. Meißner

Published 2006-08-10Version 1

We review the experimental information on the K^+d reaction for K-meson momenta below 800 MeV/c. The data are analysed within the single scattering impulse approximation -- utilizing the Juelich kaon-nucleon model -- that allows to take into account effects due to the Fermi motion of the nucleons in the deuteron and the final three-body kinematics for the break-up and charge exchange reaction. We discuss the consistency between the data available for the K^+d -> K^+np, K^+d -> K^0pp and K^+d -> K^+d reactions and the calculations based on the spectator model formalism.

Comments: 26 pages, 10 figures, to appear in J. Phys. G
Journal: J.Phys. G32 (2006) R395-R416
Categories: nucl-th
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