On the scattering length of the K^- d system
Published 2006-07-30Version 1
Multiple-scattering approximations to Faddeev calculations of the K^- d scattering length are reviewed and compared with published Kbar-N-N <--> pi-Y-N fully reactive Faddeev calculations. A new multiple-scattering approximation which goes beyond the `fixed-center' assumption for the nucleons is proposed, aiming at accuracies of 5-10%. A precise value of the K^- d scattering length from the measurement of the K^- d 1s atomic level shift and width, planned by the DEAR/SIDDHARTA collaboration, plus a precise value for the K^- p scattering length by improving the K^- p atom measurements, are essential for extracting the K^- n scattering length, for resolving persistent puzzles in low-energy Kbar-N phenomenology and for extrapolating into Kbar-nuclear systems.