Toward the energy and the system size dependece of elliptic flow: working on flow fluctuations
Published 2006-06-14, updated 2006-06-23Version 2
In this talk I concentrate on two topics closely related to the understanding of the energy and the system size dependence of the elliptic flow: determination of the elliptic flow ($v_2$) ``free'' from the effects of non-flow and flow fluctuations, and the role of fluctuations in the initial eccentricity of the overlap region. I introduce a new approach for the analysis of the distribution in flow vector, $dP/dq_n$, namely, I propose to use the Bessel Transform of this ditribution. I show that the Bessel Transform method is similar to the Lee-Yang Zeroes method, and is very transparent in its meaning and applications.
Comments: 8 pages, Conference Proceedings for the 22nd Winter Workshop on Nuclear Dynamics Talk, La Jolla, California, March 11-19, 2006. A few typos corrected. Minor modifications to text
Categories: nucl-th
Subjects: 25.75.Ld
Keywords: elliptic flow, system size dependece, flow fluctuations, lee-yang zeroes method, bessel transform method
Tags: conference paper
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