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Properties of Nuclear and Neutron Matter and Thermodynamic Consistency in a Nonlinear Mean-field Approximation

Hiroshi Uechi

Published 2006-04-12Version 1

Properties of nuclear and neutron matter are discussed in a nonlinear $\sigma$-$\omega$-$\rho$ mean-field approximation with self-interactions and mixing-interactions of mesons and baryons. The nonlinear interactions are renormalized by employing the theory of conserving approximations, which results in a thermodynamically consistent approximation that maintains Hugenholtz-Van Hove theorem and Landau's requirement of quasiparticles. The approximation is equivalent to the Hartree approximation with {\it effective masses} and {\it effective coupling constants} of baryons and mesons. The effective masses and coupling constants are naturally required by self-consistency of the theory of conserving approximations. The approximation is applied to nuclear and neutron matter, which suggests that the lower bound of nuclear compressibility $K \sim 180$ MeV (with the symmetry energy $a_4 = 35.0$ MeV) be required to be consistent with properties of nuclear matter and the maximum masses of observed hadronic neutron stars ($M_{max} \ge 2.00$ $M_{\odot}$). The values of the compressibility, symmetry energy together with effective masses and coupling constants of baryons and mesons will be important constraints to examine models of nuclear and neutron matter. The accumulating data and accurate measurements of observables in high density and energy region will supply significant information in order to testify theoretical consistency of nuclear models.

Comments: 18 pages, 14 figures, submitted to High Density Energy Physics
Journal: Nucl.Phys.A780:247-273,2006
Categories: nucl-th
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