Scaling Functions and Superscaling in Medium and Heavy Nuclei
A. N. Antonov, M. V. Ivanov, M. K. Gaidarov, E. Moya de Guerra, P. Sarriguren, J. M. Udias
Published 2006-03-20Version 1
The scaling function $f(\psi')$ for medium and heavy nuclei with $Z\neq N$ for which the proton and neutron densities are not similar is constructed within the coherent density fluctuation model (CDFM) as a sum of the proton and neutron scaling functions. The latter are calculated in the cases of $^{62}$Ni, $^{82}$Kr, $^{118}$Sn, and $^{197}$Au nuclei on the basis of the corresponding proton and neutron density distributions which are obtained in deformed self-consistent mean-field Skyrme HF+BCS method. The results are in a reasonable agreement with the empirical data from the inclusive electron scattering from nuclei showing superscaling for negative values of $\psi'$, including those smaller than -1. This is an improvement over the relativistic Fermi gas (RFG) model predictions where $f(\psi')$ becomes abruptly zero for $\psi'\leq -1$. It is also an improvement over the CDFM calculations made in the past for nuclei with $Z\neq N$ assuming that the neutron density is equal to the proton one and using only the phenomenological charge density.