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Dilepton production at HADES: theoretical predictions

M. D. Cozma, C. Fuchs, E. Santini, A. Fässler

Published 2006-01-19, updated 2006-06-14Version 3

Dileptons represent a unique probe for nuclear matter under extreme conditions reached in heavy-ion collisions. They allow to study meson properties, like mass and decay width, at various density and temperature regimes. Present days models allow generally a good description of dilepton spectra in ultra-relativistic heavy ion collision. For the energy regime of a few GeV/nucleon, important discrepancies between theory and experiment, known as the DLS puzzle, have been observed. Various models, including the one developed by the T\"{u}bingen group, have tried to address this problem, but have proven only partially successful. High precision spectra of dilepton emission in heavy-ion reactions at 1 and 2 GeV/nucleon will be released in the near future by the HADES Collaboration at GSI. Here we present the predictions for dilepton spectra in C+C reactions at 1 and 2 GeV/nucleon and investigate up to what degree possible scenarios for the in-medium modification of vector mesons properties are accessible by the HADES experiment.

Comments: 12 pages, 4 figures; submitted to Phys.Lett. B
Journal: Phys.Lett.B640:170-175,2006
Categories: nucl-th
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