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Phase-space methods in nuclear reactions around the Fermi energy

Denis Lacroix, Dominique Durand, Gregory Lehaut, Olivier Lopez, Emmanuel Vient

Published 2006-01-18Version 1

Some prescriptions for in-medium complex particle production in nuclear reactions are proposed. They have been implemented in two models to simulate nucleon-nucleus (nIPSE) and nucleus-nucleus (HIPSE) reactions around the Fermi energy \cite{Lac04,Lac05}. Our work emphasizes the effect of randomness in cluster formation, the importance of the nucleonic Fermi motion as well as the role of conservation laws. The key role of the phase-space exploration before and after secondary decay is underlined. This is illustrated in the case of two debated issues: the memory loss of the entrance channel in central collisions and the $(N,Z)$ partitions after the pre-equilibrium stage.

Comments: Proceedings of the IWM2005 workshop, Catane (Italy), Nov. 2005. DOWNLOAD HIPSE program at:
Categories: nucl-th, nucl-ex
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