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The triton and three-nucleon force in nuclear lattice simulations

B. Borasoy, H. Krebs, D. Lee, U. -G. Meißner

Published 2005-10-17Version 1

We study the triton and three-nucleon force at lowest chiral order in pionless effective field theory both in the Hamiltonian and Euclidean nuclear lattice formalism. In the case of the Euclidean lattice formalism, we derive the exact few-body worldline amplitudes corresponding to the standard many-body lattice action. This will be useful for setting low-energy coefficients in future nuclear lattice simulations. We work in the Wigner SU(4)-symmetric limit where the S-wave scattering lengths {1}S{0} and {3}S{1} are equal. By comparing with continuum results, we demonstrate for the first time that the nuclear lattice formalism can be used to study few-body nucleon systems.

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