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Anisotropy of flow and the order of phase transition in relativistic heavy ion collisions

P. Huovinen

Published 2005-05-12, updated 2005-09-07Version 2

Using a hydrodynamical model we study how the order of phase transition in the equation of state of strongly interacting matter affects single particle spectra, elliptic flow and higher order anisotropies in Au+Au collisions at RHIC (sqrt{s_NN}=200 GeV energy). We find that the single particle spectra are independent of the order of phase transition and that the fourth harmonic v_4(p_T) shows only a weak dependence in the p_T region where hydrodynamics is expected to work. The differential elliptic flow, v_2(p_T), of baryons shows the strongest dependence on equation of state. Surprisingly the closest fit to data was obtained when the equation of state had a strong first order phase transition and a lattice inspired equation of state fits the data as badly as a purely hadronic equation of state.

Comments: A version to appear in Nuclear Physics A, a figure added where EoS is compared with actual lattice results, minor changes in discussion, 21 pages, 10 figures
Journal: Nucl.Phys. A761 (2005) 296-312
Categories: nucl-th, hep-ph, nucl-ex
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