Strange magnetic moment of the nucleon and SU(3) breaking: group theoretical approach
Published 2005-04-04, updated 2005-08-16Version 3
An extended group-theoretical approach to magnetic moments of the octet baryons is proposed with the aim of extracting the strange magnetic moment of the nucleon. Special attention is given to flavor SU(3) breaking. In this approach, isoscalar and isovector magnetic moments are treated separately in view of their different behavior under SU(3) breaking. We conclude that the anomalous magnetic moment associated with the flavor singlet current is small. Together with the small isoscalar anomalous magnetic moment of the nucleon, this implies suppression of the strange magnetic moment of the proton which is found to be small and positive, mu^(s) = (0.16 \pm 0.03) mu_N in units of the nuclear magneton.