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Bulk and single-particle properties of hyperonic matter at finite temperature

Arnau Rios, Artur Polls, Angels Ramos, Isaac Vidaña

Published 2005-03-29Version 1

Bulk and single-particle properties of hot hyperonic matter are studied within the Brueckner-Hartree-Fock approximation extended to finite temperature. The bare interaction in the nucleon sector is the Argonne V18 potential supplemented with an effective three-body force to reproduce the saturating properties of nuclear matter. The modern Nijmegen NSC97e potential is employed for the hyperon-nucleon and hyperon-hyperon interactions. The effect of the temperature on the in-medium effective interaction is found to be, in general, very small and the single-particle potentials differ by at most 25% for temperatures in the range from 0 to 60 MeV. The bulk properties of infinite matter of baryons, either nuclear isospin symmetric or a beta-stable composition which includes a non-zero fraction of hyperons, are obtained. It is found that the presence of hyperons can modify the thermodynamical properties of the system in a non-negligible way.

Comments: REVTEX4 - 23 pages, 13 figures - Submitted to Phys. Rev. C
Journal: Phys.Rev. C72 (2005) 024316
Categories: nucl-th
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