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Transfer to the continuum and Breakup reactions

A. M. Moro, F. M. Nunes

Published 2005-03-09, updated 2006-01-10Version 2

Reaction theory is an essential ingredient when performing studies of nuclei far from stability. One approach for the calculation of breakup reactions of exotic nuclei into two fragments is to consider inelastic excitations into the single particle continuum of the projectile. Alternatively one can also consider the transfer to the continuum of a system composed of the light fragment and the target. In this work we make a comparative study of the two approaches, underline the different inputs, and identify the advantages and disadvantages of each approach. Our test cases consist of the breakup of $^{11}$Be on a proton target at intermediate energies, and the breakup of $^8$B on $^{58}$Ni at energies around the Coulomb barrier. We find that, in practice the results obtained in both schemes are in semiquantitative agreement. We suggest a simple condition that can select between the two approaches.

Comments: 10 pages, 12 figures. Replaced by accepted version. To appear in Nucl. Phys. A
Journal: Nucl.Phys. A767 (2006) 138-154
Categories: nucl-th
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