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Overdamping Phenomena near the Critical Point in O($N$) Model

K. Ohnishi, T. Kunihiro

Published 2005-03-07, updated 2005-10-13Version 3

We consider the dynamic critical behavior of the propagating mode for the order parameter fluctuation of the O($N$) Ginzburg-Landau theory, involving the canonical momentum as a degree of freedom. We reexamine the renormalization group analysis of the Langevin equation for the propagating mode. We find the fixed point for the propagating mode as well as that for the diffusive one, the former of which is unstable to the latter. This indicates that the propagating mode becomes overdamped near the critical point. We thus can have a sufficient understanding of the phonon mode in the structural phase transition of solids. We also discuss the implication for the chiral phase transition.

Comments: 5 pages, 1 figure;v3 modification for correcting a misleading description, conclusion unchanged
Journal: Phys.Lett. B632 (2006) 252-256
Categories: nucl-th
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