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A doorway to Borromean halo nuclei: the Samba configuration

M. T. Yamashita, T. Frederico, M. S. Hussein

Published 2005-01-21, updated 2006-02-17Version 3

We exploit the possibility of new configurations in three-body halo nuclei - Samba type - (the neutron-core form a bound system) as a doorway to Borromean systems. The nuclei $^{12}$Be, $^{15}$B, $^{23}$N and $^{27}$F are of such nature, in particular $^{23}$N with a half-life of 37.7 s and a halo radius of 6.07 fm is an excellent example of Samba-halo configuration. The fusion below the barrier of the Samba halo nuclei with heavy targets could reveal the so far elusive enhancement and a dominance of one-neutron over two-neutron transfers, in contrast to what was found recently for the Borromean halo nucleus $^6$He + $^{238}$U.

Comments: Accepted for publication in Modern Physics Letters A
Journal: Mod.Phys.Lett. A21 (2006) 1749-1756
Categories: nucl-th, nucl-ex
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